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✨NEW Discord Server!!

Figure Skating Stats Discord server has been released!

I am pleased to announce that the Figure Skating Stats Discord server has been released πŸ˜„πŸŽ‰.

The server is designed to be a place of meeting and dialogue between people with a passion for figure skating.

There you can chat and voice-chat about events, technical elements, components, curiosity and lot more.

You can now help me to make decisions on new upgrades for the website and the discord server, being part of polls and report bugs.

You will be able to interact with a bot πŸ€– that will aslo notify πŸ’¬ daily events and weekly upcoming events through the Google Calendar API πŸ“….

More informations about the bot are gonna be explained in a dedicated post.

What are you waiting for?

Be part of this beautiful community πŸ˜‰

Useful links

Author: Fantantonio 

Date: 04-12-2020

Categories: news service

Tags: #discord #update